The program

Experience Tomorrow's Banking Today: Next Gen is Here

Tuesday May 21, 2024 10:15 - 10:35
Type: Banking Track
Venue: Tour & Taxis
In his upcoming speech, Tim Rutten will focus on the pivotal role of progressive modernisation in integrating new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) into banking systems. He'll discuss how this approach allows banks to incrementally introduce AI, enhancing efficiency and minimising disruption.

Rutten will highlight the benefits of embedding new technologies and approaches into existing infrastructures, such as improved data analysis, enhanced customer insights, and streamlined operations. He'll use the analogy of the shift from feature phones to smartphones to illustrate the transformative impact of AI on customer service and operational efficiency.

He will detail how Backbase supports banks in this transition, enabling them to seamlessly integrate AI functionalities into legacy systems, thereby driving better risk management, fraud detection, and personalised customer experiences.

Rutten will conclude by emphasising the cost efficiency and significant return on investment that progressive modernisation offers, advocating for a collaborative approach between business and technology leaders to leverage AI for sustainable banking innovation.
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