The program

Harmonising Innovation and Inclusion: Digital Transformation in Banking

Tuesday May 21, 2024 11:35 - 11:55
Type: Banking Track
Venue: Tour & Taxis
In his keynote "Harmonising Innovation and Inclusion: Digital Transformation in Banking," Karel Baert, CEO of Febelfin, will focus on the initiatives undertaken by the banking industry and Febelfin to ensure that technological innovations remain inclusive.

Baert will highlight specific industry-wide efforts designed to integrate inclusivity into the fabric of banking innovation. This includes partnerships aimed at improving digital literacy among customers, to help them navigate the new digital banking landscape.Furthermore, Baert will detail Febelfin's specific contributions to these efforts.

He will conclude by reiterating the importance of these initiatives in ensuring that every segment of the population benefits from digital banking advancements, thereby preventing a divide between the digitally literate and those at risk of being left behind.
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