The program

Demo: Anaplan: Drive Sustainable Growth and Operational Efficiency with Strategic Workforce Blueprinting in Banking

Tuesday May 21, 2024 11:30 - 12:00
Type: Demo Stage
Venue: Maison de la Poste
Join us for a live demonstration of how leading banks are using Anaplan to help plan for the workforce of the future, as both emerging technologies and digital banking channels are dictating a transformative change.

Key Demo Points:
  • Resource Alignment with Strategic Goals: make strategic growth decisions on product market share and assess the ability of the back-office organisation to deliver against that strategy.
  • Planning for workforce impact of branch closures: Scoring the branch network and determining which branches to close. Make strategic decisions about the impacted workforce so as to balance redeployment with redundancy.
  • Long-term strategy to evolve from legacy skills to skills of the future: Take a holistic view of the entire workforce, leveraging AI to predict voluntary attrition, activating initiatives to upskill/downskill, and further looking at how AI can proactively suggest the optimum course of action to effectively balance cross-skilling with buying in new skills.
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