The program

Panel: The Sovereignty of Europe: Connecting The Dots of PSD3 - FIDA - Instant Payments and Digital Euro

Tuesday May 21, 2024 09:40 - 10:35
Type: Payments Track
Venue: Tour & Taxis

Participate in poll 1: Is there sufficient leadership and industry coordination to to achieve sovereignty in payments?
Participate in poll 2: The digital euro: is it a catalyst or a challenge for private pan-european payments solutions?

This panel brings together financial experts and policymakers to discuss the interconnected landscape of European financial sovereignty in the context of emerging regulations and technologies. We'll explore the synergies and challenges between the Payment Services Directive 3 (PSD3), the Financial Data Act (FIDA), the evolving landscape of instant payments, and the implications of a potential Digital Euro.
Key Discussion Points:
  • PSD3 and Its Impact on Banking: Delving into the Payment Services Directive 3, its influence on banking regulations, open banking advancements, and the broader impact on financial services across Europe.
  • The Role of FIDA: Examining the Financial Data Act and its implications for data sharing, competition, and innovation in the European financial sector.
  • Advancements in Instant Payments: Discussing how instant payment systems are transforming financial transactions in Europe, focusing on efficiency, accessibility, and the integration with existing banking infrastructures.
  • The Emergence of a Digital Euro: Analyzing the potential introduction of a Digital Euro, its impact on digital currencies, monetary policy, and the broader financial ecosystem in Europe.
  • Integrating Regulations and Technologies: Exploring how these various elements can be integrated to strengthen Europe's financial sovereignty, enhance consumer protection, and foster a competitive and innovative financial marketplace.
This panel is a must-attend for financial professionals, regulators, and anyone interested in the future of European finance and how new regulations and technologies are shaping it.
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