The program

Demo: nCino - Ahead of the Curve, Modernising Lending Activities

Tuesday May 21, 2024 11:00 - 11:30
Type: Demo Stage
Venue: Maison de la Poste
Key Demo points:

nCino Credit Platform: nCino is a cloud-based platform that streamlines credit processes and fosters collaboration across financial institutions to drive unprecedented operational efficiency.

Portfolio Management & AI within nCino: Transform your financial institution with nCino’s AI solutions, where precision meets innovation:

  • Banking Advisor: this new solution emerges as a game-changer, specially designed to tackle the unique challenges of the financial sector. The nCino Banking Advisor represents an innovative leap in AI-assisted financial service capabilities, designed with a set of unique skills to meet the modern demands of relationship banking:
    • Interact with any PDF document: credit policy, training materials, market data, how-to-guides
    • Automatically write new deal and credit memo narratives
    • Conversational benchmarks and insights
  • Automated financial data mapping: The solution enhances credit analysis by quickly and accurately extracting financial statements data into standardised formats for evaluation. This streamlines the process, reduces human errors, and increases efficiency in credit decision-making.
  • Auto covenant testing: Automate loan covenant testing for faster reviews. This advanced and automated feature significantly reduces review time by batch-testing loan covenants, empowering financial institutions with a more efficient covenant management process.
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